The Battle River and Sounding Creek watersheds span over 35,000 square kilometres of diverse landscapes and communities in Alberta. The natural regionals include: the Foothills, Boreal Forest, Parkland, and Grassland.

Land use practices in our watersheds have greatly modified the natural landscape. In particular, agriculture has long been of great importance in our watersheds. Today, about three-quarters of our land base is comprised of annual and perennial crop and pasture lands (AAFC 2001). While agriculture is an integral component of our economic well being, it has had a very real impact on our

Other land uses also have an impact on our watershed. Many factors, such as population growth and increased development, result in increased pressures on our land and water resources. For example, increased demands on our water supplies from industry, municipalities and agriculture contribute to water quantity issues.

Water quality may be impacted when harmful substances reach our rivers, lakes and streams from a variety of sources, including stormwater runoff from our communities.

Road networks, power lines, railroads, pipelines and oil and gas wells criss-cross and dot the landscape, resulting in habitat fragmentation, land alteration and increased human presence in our watersheds. Recreational lands provide fun outdoor opportunities at the same time as they may also increase human impact in those areas.”

Watershed Management Plan – Implementation Recommendations

The following documents outline BRWA’s implementation guidelines for watershed management in the Battle River and Sounding Creek watersheds. These recommendations were developed with broad input from watershed residents, stakeholders and decision-makers, and is supported by research compiled in the companion Policy Context reports. The purpose of the implementation guidelines is to provide recommendations for beneficial management practices and strategies.

We look to municipalities, Indigenous groups, industry and stakeholder groups to implement these recommendations.

Wetlands | Riparian Areas | Drought | Non-Point Source Pollution | Source Water Protection | Non-Native & Invasive Species

Land Use Planning Tools for Municipalities and Indigenous Groups

BRWA is collaborating with municipalities, Maskwacis Four Cree Nations, and the Metis Nation of Alberta to investigate opportunities to align land use policy and programs with watershed management recommendations. The project is intended to improve awareness about how communities are currently implementing watershed management recommendations in land use planning and to identify opportunities for communities to take further action to achieve watershed resilience and sustainability.

Briefing Note to Communities