Our Vision

To have a watershed that sustains all life by using sound knowledge, wisdom, and wise actions to preserve our watershed for future generations.

Our mission

We achieve our vision by providing relevant science, social science, policies and education for a diverse community of people to create solutions to our watersheds challenges. We do what it takes to make their ideas matter.

Our work

Our work focuses on three key areas: education and outreach, watershed management, and stewardship.

Education and outreach

Experience your watershed! Our programs engage and educate watershed community members where they live to ensure a positive and memorable experience. Our programs are offered for students, community groups, professionals, and the general public.

Watershed Management

We lead the watershed management efforts for the Alberta portions of our watersheds. The goal is to work with watershed residents, stakeholders, and decision makers to support the health of our watersheds.

stewardship Projects

Through stewardship, the ecological, economic, social, and culture values of our watersheds are conserved and enhanced. We encourage, enable, and celebrate community members who take actions to make our watershed a better place for all life and the life of future generations.

how to get involved

Membership in the Battle River Watershed Alliance is inclusive, participatory, and active. Membership will be open to any individual and organization living or operating in the Battle River Watershed and/or whose interests are consistent with the Mission, Vision, Goals and Guiding Principles of the Alliance. Only one member can represent an organization, although the organization may appoint an alternate. There is no membership fee.


The BRWA is governed by a Board of Directors and has several working committees, including Executive, Communication and Education, and Watershed Management. There are five staff who work out of the Mirror Lake Community Centre in Camrose. Contact us if you would like to turn a love for the watershed into action.


Our resources directory contains annual reports and strategic plans that can be used to learn more about BRWA. Click here.

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