Taking action on our watershed management recommendations is an ongoing process. The BRWA is always looking for opportunities to work with partners on initiatives that support the goals of the plan and lead to on-the-ground action.
Below are some of the projects that are supporting our implementation efforts.
The Water Management Plan for the Battle River Basin was approved in 2014. The plan was led by Alberta Environment, and focused on water supply and instream needs of the Battle River and its main, named tributaries. It included extensive public consultation and involvement from the BRWA.
The approved plan provides direction for the management of surface water and groundwater that has hydrologic connection to surface water within the Battle River Basin. The recommended options and strategies presented in this plan were developed through a Stakeholder Advisory Group, and are designed to strike a balance between a healthy aquatic ecosystem, a vibrant economy, and sustainable communities. Primary emphasis is placed on the need to live within the carrying capacity of the watershed, and the need to improve the health of the aquatic ecosystem.
Open the Approved Water Management Plan for the Battle River Basin
Beginning in 2015, the City of Camrose, Camrose County, and the BRWA partnered on an initiative to protect the Battle River, Driedmeat Lake, and tributary streams as key water sources for the region.
The Camrose Source Water Protection Plan was approved by the Councils of the City of Camrose and Camrose County in 2016. The plan identifies risks to water sources in the Camrose area and describes management actions that can be taken to help protect and improve water quality. It is now up to all of us to work together to implement these recommendations!