Moses and his school’s Green Earth Club hosted their first Eco-Week. This collaborative set of events included a clothing drive, community clean-up, gardening project and plant sale, as well as a “Lights Out Day”.
The clothing drive resulted in 20 full black garbage bags (500 articles of clothing!) filled with gently used clothes, including jackets, shoes, pants, and socks. The team worked hard to upcycle these items, and were able to redistribute them to over 100 students within the school community.
The community clean-up initiative was also a massive hit. Students gathered 9 full garbage bags of trash from around the neighbourhood and local pond with a team of 30 individuals.
The gardening project received numerous compliments for showcasing thriving plants and the positive impact they’ve had on the school environment.
The Lights Out Day was a fantastic demonstration of a commitment to energy conservation. The entire school participated by turning off all lights, and the collective effort was both inspiring and impactful.
They also hosted a massive plant sale that helped raise money for future initiatives by the Green Earth Club.